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Topic, Volume, Page Number; (il.) indicates illustration/story/example
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A Abortion, III-15-20 (il., III-18-20 ). Acknowledgments, I-6 , II-6 , III-6 . Actual Sin, (see Sin, Actual). Adam, (see also Sin, Original); covenant head, I-266 , 293-297 (il., I-293-294 , 297-298 ); natural father, I-295-296 (il., I-295-296 ). Adoption, Spiritual, II-259 , 300 . Adultery (see sexual relations). Advent, characteristics of, III-521 ; Christ's second, II-104-105 , III-520-526 ; contrast of first and second, III-520 ; great joy and fear of, III-522-524 (il., III-523 , 524 , 540-541 ); preparation for, III-540 (iI., III-540 ); prophetic signs of, III-525 . Advent Weeks, II-68 (iI., II-68 ). Alcoholic Beverages, III-30-38 (il., III-36-38 ). Alexandrian Manuscript, I-74-76 , 79 . Anarchism, error of, II-354-356 (il., II-355-356 ). Angels, I-195-203 ; appearance of, I-199-120 (iI., I-199 ); definition of, I-195 ; fallen, I-200-203 (see also Satan and devils); names of, I-195 ; numbers of, I-196 ; orders of, I-196-197 ; works of, I-197-198 . Anger, III-43-44 . Anointing, I-416 (see also Christ, Jesus -Anointing of). Anthropological Evidence of God, I-15 . Anthropology, III-258 (see specific doctrine of). Antinominianism, error of, II-354 , 358-359 (il., II-359 ). Apocrypha, I-61 , 75 . Apostles' Creed, (see Creeds). Arian, view of Christ, I-409 . Arminianism, errors of, (see also free-will) views regarding: basis for justification, II-255-256 ; Christ's atonement, I-345 ; Covenant of Redemption and Grace, I-344 ; decisional regeneration, I-345 , II-131 ; free-will (see free-will); Remonstrance, III-259 . |
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Assurance of Faith (see Faith, Assurance of) Athanasian Creed (see Creeds) Atheism, I-14-18 , II-388-390 , (il., I-16-18 , 50 , II-388-390 ). Atonement of Christ, I-400 , 407 , II-24-27 , 71 , 76 , 83 (il., II-25 , 28-29 ); limited, III-333-336 , 348 (il., III-336 , 348-349 ). Attributes of God, I-26-32 (il. I-26-27 ); communicable, I-28-29 ); glorified in the salvation of a sinner, I-378 , II-249 (il., I-378 , II-249 , 251 ); incommunicable, I-28 . Authority (see also Government), delegated, II-462-477 (iI., II-463-469 , 470 , 473 ); must conduct themselves respectably, II-466 (il., II-466-467 ); ultimate, II-330 , 462 . B Baptism, (see also Covenant of Grace and Church) III-373-439 (il., III-374 , 407 , 411 , 428-430 ); by John the Baptism, III-388-392 ; buried in baptism, III-395-398 ; form for adminiastration, III-431-436 ; meaning of baptism twofold: inward and outward, (see also Covenant of Grace) III-402 , 419-422 , 435 , 438-439 ; inward, III-373-374 , 430-431 ; outward, III-427-430 (il., III-428-430 ); overvaluing, III-422,426 ; undervaluing, III-426-427 ; of Christ, III-384-386 ; proper mode of: immersion only refuted, III-378-399 ; immersing, pouring, or sprinkling established, III-376-399 ; other "baptisms" or cleansings, II-398-399 ; sprinkling examples of cleansing, III-393-395 ;proper subjects for: confessing believers only refuted, III-399-418 , 425-426 ; confessing believers and their children established, III-399-418 (iI., III-407 , 411 ; adult baptism, III-435-438 ; infant baptism, III-399-418 ; replaces circumcision, III-404-406 ; requirements of, III-375. |