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Alleluia, Fairest Morning

Alleluia, Fairest Morning
Alleluia, fairest morning,
Fairer than our words can say!
Down we lay the heavy burden
Of life’s toil and care today,
While this morn of joy and love
Brings fresh vigor from above.
Sunday full of holy glory,
Sweetest rest-day of the soul!
Light upon a world of darkness
From thy blessèd moments roll!
Holy, happy, heav’nly day,
Thou canst charm our grief away.
In the gladness of His worship
We will seek our joy today;
It is then we learn the fullness
Of the grace for which we pray,
When the word of life is giv’n,
Like the Savior’s voice from Heav’n.
Let the day with Thee be ended,
As with Thee it has begun,
And Thy blessing, Lord, be granted,
Till earth’s days and weeks are done;
That at last Thy servants may
Keep eternal Sabbath day.
Jonathan Krause,
translated from German to English by Jane L. Borthwick

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