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Character qualities of a Proverbs 31 Woman:

Character qualities of a Proverbs 31 Woman:
Pray through this alphabetical list.  Pray and ask God for growth in these areas.


Verse 10---A   A Biblical Treasure!, Able, Amazing, Admirable
Verse 11---B   Blessing, Beautiful, Beneficial bounty
Verse 12---C   Considerate, Caring, Conscientious
Verse 13---D   Decisive, Determined, Disciplined, Domestic, Diligent
Verse 14---E   Economical, Enterprising
Verse 15---F   Flexible, Focused, Faithful, Fruitful
Verse 16---G   Gardener, Gifted, Go-getter
Verse 17---H   Hardworker, Honorable, Handy, Homemaker
Verse 18---I    Intelligent, Investor, Intuitive, Industrious
Verse 19---J    Joyful worker, Juggler of tasks
Verse 20---K   Kind
Verse 21---L   Loving, Linen maker
Verse 22---M  Magnificent, Meticulous, Majestic, Matronly, Mother
Verse 23---N   Noble, Noteworthy
Verse 24---O   Organized, Obedient, Original, Observant
Verse 25---P   Prepared, Powerful, Purposeful, (A) Pillar
Verse 26---Q   Quiet Spirited
Verse 27---R   Responsible, Reliable, Robust
Verse 28---S   Superwoman!, Saint, Skilled, Steady, Special
Verse 29---T   Terrific, Trustworthy, Tremendous
Verse 30---U   Unaffected by the World, Uncompromising, Understanding, Unequaled

Verse 31---V   Virtuous!, Valued, Victorious, Visionary

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