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Traits of a Proverbs 31 Woman:
Traits of a Proverbs 31 Woman: Pray and ask God to help you to grow in thee areas. ---verse 10 Noble ---verse 11 Trustworthy ---verse 12 Honors her husband ---verse 13 Hardworking ---verse 14 Selective, makes wise choices ---verse 15 Has a plan ---verse 16 Thrifty ---verse 17 Works willingly ---verse 18 Makes profitable goods ---verse 19 Works hard ---verse 20 Generous ---verse 21 Farsighted ---verse 22 Crafty, creative ---verse 23 Honors her husband publicly and by her actions ---verse 24 Talented ---verse 25 Prepared for the future ---verse 26 Wise and speaks kindly ---verse 27 Watchful and busy ---verse 30 She fears the Lord
---verse 31 She earns reward and receives praise
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