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Traits of a Proverbs 31 Woman:

Traits of a Proverbs 31 Woman:
Pray and ask God to help you to grow in thee areas.
---verse 10       Noble
---verse 11       Trustworthy     
---verse 12       Honors her husband
---verse 13       Hardworking
---verse 14       Selective, makes wise choices
---verse 15       Has a plan
---verse 16       Thrifty
---verse 17       Works willingly
---verse 18       Makes profitable goods
---verse 19       Works hard
---verse 20       Generous
---verse 21       Farsighted
---verse 22       Crafty, creative
---verse 23       Honors her husband publicly and by her actions
---verse 24       Talented          
---verse 25       Prepared for the future
---verse 26       Wise and speaks kindly
---verse 27       Watchful and busy
---verse 30       She fears the Lord

---verse 31       She earns reward and receives praise


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