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As I Lay Sleeping
As I lay sleeping…a mother stays up all night with her flu-stricken child As I lay sleeping….a mother sits alone in a cold morgue identifying her child’s body that has been killed by a drunk driver As I lay sleeping…a mother gets news of a soldier killed in war and grieves for the lose of her child fighting overseas to defend our countries freedom As I lay sleeping…a mother works on third shift waitressing for tips at a local café to make ends meet As I lay sleeping…an old mother dies alone in a nursing home As I lay sleeping…a mother lays awake worrying about how she will make due for her family As I lay sleeping…a mother is awoken to find that their teenager has taken their own life As I lay sleeping…a mother sleeps unaware that her child is being kidnapped As I lay sleeping…a mother sits in a hospital room while her child is dying of cancer As I lay sleeping…a mother cries herself to sleep after her husband has abused her As I lay sleeping…a mother comforts a child that’s had a bad dream As I lay sleeping…a mother nurses her newborn baby As I lay sleeping I say a selfless prayer to all of those mothers out there, that whatever life has handed them, send an angel to be with them and with their children. In the blink of an eye your world can be turned upside down but what strength mothers share. And send an angel to be with my children tonight although life’s hard road has separated me from mine, I’m with them in my dreams…As I lay sleeping. P.S. If your mother is still with you, thank her for everything that she has done for you that you may have taken for granted no matter how long ago it was that you were a child – you are still her child. Be thankful that you have a mother because so many these days don’t and if she is far away pray for an angel to kiss her cheek as she lay sleeping tonight. This poem is dedicated to my mother, Cindi Wallace, for all that she has done for me and my children. Stacia Gilmer, December 4, 2006
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