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Drug abuse in a society reflects unrest and lack of meaning, fulfillment, and sense of purpose on the part of its people. In general, why is less drug abuse present in Christian than in non-Christian circles?

The various harmful effects produced by each of the previous drugs requires detailed explanations beyond the limits of this chapter. However, all forms of drug abuse produce problems. The following are some of its consequences:

    1. Drug abuse causes personal health problems -

  • Physically - Various physical weaknesses, sicknesses, deterioration, and damage result; physical addiction is frequent

  • Mentally - Normal thinking processes are disrupted; loss of memory and permanent brain damage is frequent

  • Emotionally - Lack of motivation, ambition, and care result; psychological addiction is frequent

  • Spiritually - A habit of sin develops. Drug abuse transgresses God's sixth commandment because a drug abuser chooses to do that which harms the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health of himself and often of others

    2. Drug abuse causes group problems - It produces tension and unhappy relationships with family, friends, and co-workers through severe personal mood swings

    3. Drug abuse causes societal problems - A frightening increase in crime and traffic accidents is produced; those personally not involved in drug abuse are also affected safety-wise and cost-wise

Additional risks and problems involved with drug abuse are:

  • Tolerance level increases - The person continually needs more of the drug to receive the same effect

  • Drug progression possibilities - Drug abuse is generally progressive; use of a milder drug often leads to a stronger type

  • Overdose dangers - This can result in serious mental or physical damage or even death

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